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105 Taoyuan air pollution control and industrial environmental protection technology service plan

“Environmental Technology Service Group of Universities and Colleges in Taoyuan City" was formed by integrating the professors and scholars in the field of environmental engineering and science from various universities and colleges located in Taoyuan. The service group also invited the experts from INER to participate as consultants. The purpose of this service group is representative of Taoyuan government to provide technical assistance in time for the local enterprises to meet the requirements of environmental protection. The service items included evaluation and functional improvement of pollution control equipment, diagnostic performance of pollution control facilities, guidance to build up environmental management system, providing information of green manufacturing and counseling services related to environmental regulations. In this year project, the service group had held totally 20 workshops or training courses of environmental technology, carried out onsite diagnostic performance evaluation of pollution treatment facilities for 20 enterprises, published 4 issues of electronic newsletter of environmental technology and send to thousands of readers by e-mail, and continually maintained the normal operation of the existing website as a platform to provide the information of new technologies, counsel cases and environmental regulations, also as a communication channel between enterprises and scholars.
industrial pollution prevention, industrial waste minimization, environmental technical information and counseling